Comparison of Scent Lures on Captive Fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox): Implications for Field Methods
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Published: 4 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Identifying scents that are most effective at luring specific carnivores is important for improving capture efforts in the field and making informed conservation and management decisions. However, knowledge on effective and preferred scents for fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox) is lacking, thus limiting field-based research efforts. To combat this absence of information, we conducted the first study of fosa scent preferences. We used a rank-based system to analyze fosa scent preference with six different scents (predator bait, weasel lure, catnip, deodorant, cologne, fish oil) by time in contact, the number of contacts, and the behaviors displayed with each scent with a captive fosa at Zoo Atlanta. Our findings suggest weasel lure and predator bait could act as effective scent lures for fosa. By contrast, cologne may act as a deterrent to fosa. Our findings warrant further investigation of fosa scent preferences across multiple zoos and in field studies on wild fosa populations to ultimately improve conservation of this threatened carnivore and the biodiverse hotspots it inhabits.
Keywords: Attractant, Bait, Carnivore, Conservation, Madagascar, Zoo.

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How to Cite
Cullen C. Anderson, Zheran Wang, Zach J. Farris. (2019-03-04). "Comparison of Scent Lures on Captive Fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox): Implications for Field Methods." *Volume 3*, 1, 19-29